Dentures Near You

Are you searching for dentures in Toronto? If an injury, accident, or oral ailment has resulted in one or more missing teeth, dentures may be a solution. We offer complete and partial dentures in Toronto, ON M6H 3Y9. Your Toronto dentist will create a model of your teeth using impressions in order to custom-make your dentures. To determine if dentures are right for you, a thorough assessment of your teeth and mouth is performed. Continue reading to learn more about the process of obtaining dentures, the benefits of dentures, and how to maintain them.

dentures in toronto

Custom Dentures in Toronto

Our dentures are custom-made to fit the shape and size of your mouth. You may qualify for partial or full dentures depending on how many teeth you are missing. Typically, partial dentures are removable and attached by wires that have been placed on your existing teeth.

Full dentures are fitted after any remaining teeth are removed and the gum line has properly healed. We understand how important it is to you to have a realistic set of dentures and we are proud to offer you just that.

Benefits of Receiving Dentures in Toronto

Dentures in Toronto, ON are a viable solution to replace missing teeth that have caused pain or oral health issues. Not only do dentures improve the appearance of your smile, but they provide support to the structures around your cheeks and lips. Additionally, dentures allow you to eat your favourite foods and restore your chewing.

Maintaining dentures

Everyday wear and tear will require your dentures to be relined, remade, or rebased at some point in time. You will need to care for your dentures in Toronto, ON M6H 3Y9, as carefully as you care for your natural teeth. Remember to:

  • Clean them each day: Plaque and tartar can build up on replacement teeth.
  • Remove them each night: You should brush your teeth and gums using a soft-bristle toothbrush.
  • Soak them each night: You should soak your dentures in a denture cleanser to loosen plaque and tartar.

If you are interested in receiving dentures near you, contact us today to request a consultation!


Dentures are artificial teeth that are used to replace natural teeth that have been lost. They are made to look like natural teeth and can be used to eat and speak normally.

There are two main types of dentures: complete dentures and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used to replace all of the teeth in an arch, while partial dentures are used to replace only some of the teeth.

Dentures are a common way to replace missing teeth, and they can greatly improve your smile and your ability to eat and speak. However, dentures require special care to keep them clean and in good shape. Visit our clinic our dentist will share some tips on how to care for your dentures.

If you have dentures, you may be wondering what kinds of foods you can and can’t eat. While dentures are made to withstand a certain amount of wear and tear, there are still some foods that you should avoid. Contact a dentist near you; they will give you a list of foods to eat and avoid with dentures.