You may have tried to figure out if you need a root canal treatment near you and whether it involves the same procedure as a…
What Are the Four Types of Permanent Dentures Available Right Now?
Dentures are used to serve as a removable replacement for missing teeth and any surrounding tissues. There are four types of dentures: Complete dentures: Used…
What To Think About When Thinking About Veneers
Do you have stained teeth but have been told your stains can’t be whitened? Do you have crooked teeth but don’t have the patience for…
Why Is It Important To Look After Your Teeth?
We all know that taking care of our teeth is important, but flossing and brushing every day can sometimes feel like a chore. If you…
Tips For Choosing The Right Family Dentist
Many people feel anxious about visiting the dentist and trying to find the right family dentist in Toronto can be challenging. What does one look…
Getting a Root Canal: Frequently Asked Questions
At Bloor Lansdowne Dental, we get many questions about root canal treatment, so in this blog post, we answer all of the most common inquiries…
The Do’s and Don’ts of Denture Care
Dentures replace missing or lost teeth and improve appearances, smiles, chewing, and speaking abilities. Dentures in Toronto are a cheaper restoration option than others, such…
Everything You Need To Know About Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are custom caps that are built to cover a decayed, broken, or weakened tooth and provide it with protection and strength. If your…
All You Should Know About Phillips Zoom Teeth Whitening
If you are looking for a way to brighten your smile, then you should consider getting teeth whitening in Toronto. At Bloor Lansdowne Dental, we…
Stay Healthy By Having Your Teeth Cleaned
Some of the benefits of getting professional teeth cleanings in Toronto are probably pretty obvious. Cleaner teeth, for one! There are other benefits, though —many…