Are Root Canal Treatments Painful?

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are root canal treatments painful

People often believe that getting a root canal will hurt. While that’s only one of many misconceptions associated with root canals, it’s uncommon to experience excruciating pain following a root canal. There’s no need to worry, though, if you don’t feel your best immediately after getting a root canal. It’s typical to feel a little uncomfortable following therapy.

It’s critical to keep in mind that the purpose of a root canal treatment is not to inflict agony on you but rather to ease the pain caused by tooth decay and infection. If you experience extreme pain following a root canal, it may be a sign that the tooth or the procedure is flawed.

What is a Root Canal?

A tooth that is severely decaying or diseased can be saved and repaired with root canal treatment near you.

When the pulp, which is made up of nerves and blood vessels in the tooth, becomes infected or injured, root canal therapy is carried out. The pulp is taken out during root canal therapy, and the interior of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. People are afraid of getting root canals because they think they will hurt. The majority of patients claim that the operation itself doesn’t hurt any more than getting a filling put in. True pain comes from the anguish suffered prior to seeking dental care, not from the procedure itself.

When Do You Need a Root Canal?

Root canal therapy is required in cases of a broken tooth or a cavity brought on by damage or heredity or concerns with an old filling. When patients discover their teeth are sensitive, particularly to heat and cold, they generally require a root canal.

There are a few signs that suggest a root canal may be necessary:

  • Severe pain when biting or chewing
  • A tooth that is chipped/broken
  • Gums with pimples
  • Continuation of heat or cold sensitivity
  • Widened or sensitive gums
  • Deep tooth decay or gum discoloration

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

The majority of patients can go back to work or school right after a root canal by a dentist in Toronto, even though they will likely be numb for 2-4 hours. It is suggested that you wait to eat until the numbness has totally subsided.

Does a Root Canal Hurt?

As dentists use a local anesthetic during a root canal in Toronto, you won’t encounter any pain. Before getting treatment, the tooth itself is where the pain from the root canal process originates. The fact is that the pain goes away when the condition is treated. The belief that root canals hurt is wrong.

You shouldn’t encounter any discomfort during your root canal process, even if the anesthetic isn’t utilized. The dentist numbs the tooth to be safe with an anesthetic to ward off any possible pain. During the root canal process, you can feel a little stress on your tooth, but nothing more.

After the treatment, you’ll probably feel some pain and discomfort for a few days. You should expect to feel this discomfort for a while, but you can manage it with painkillers. Keep in mind that you should see your dentist if it persists for longer than a week.

How are Root Canals Done?

Before performing a root canal, your dentist near you will take an x-ray of your teeth to see whether the treatment is viable and to look for the spread of the infection to other locations. They will next numb the affected gum with a very small amount of numbing medication before administering a local anesthetic injection.

After your tooth has become fully numbed, your dentist will cut a little hole in the lid of your tooth to gain access to the injured pulp. The delicate nerves,  blood vessels, and bacteria from this pulp will then be eliminated, and your tooth’s canals will then be painstakingly cleaned.

The area will then be cleaned and treated with an antibiotic coating by your dentist to prevent re-infection. Once the root canals have been cleaned and sterilized, your dentist will complete the procedure by filling and sealing your tooth. They might also suggest taking oral antibiotics and over-the-counter medications to stop post-root canal pain.

Talk to Our Dentist!

At Bloor Lansdowne Dental Centre, we provide painless root canal therapy for patients who have been diagnosed with a root canal or are exhibiting its symptoms. Make an appointment with us today.
